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About Us

We are a non-denominational congregation that gathers in the Name of Jesus Christ for the purpose of corporate worship, mutual edification, and spiritual fellowship.  We seek to uphold the historic faith of the Christian Church throughout this age.  We desire to honor Christ in our words, thoughts, and actions.  We endeavor to be good citizens of Heaven and Earth.  We seek to know God both from His word and through true experience guided and guarded by the same word. 


There has been a congregation meeting at Brailey in Jesus name since 1897.  The history here is rich with blessing, trial, and troubles.  Yet, the witness of Jesus Christ, in His perfection, crucifixion, burial, resurrection, and ascension has been unchanged.  We are on a mission given by the risen Christ to go and make disciples, immerse them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and to teach them all that Jesus commanded.  If you are looking for a congregation to become a member of, we invite you to consider the fellowship at Brailey.

Be Inspired
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